
Established in June 2015, DARN is an acronym for Dundee Africa Research Network. The inspiration for DARN is the consolidation of the African presence in Dundee by creating a forum for multidisciplinary research on Africa. As we know, networking among researchers in related fields or areas of study provides an intellectually stimulating forum for established scholars, early career researchers, students, policy makers, and civil society actors. Also, generally, it includes people who have an interest in such research. Considering the number of African students and researchers on different areas of African studies within Dundee and environs, DARN brings out the best of African research through regular interactive events concerning topical issues on Africa with their global implications. DARN is taking its place within the University research community and this enhances the drive for internationalisation in African research generally. 


  To consolidate the presence of Africa in Dundee by providing an avenue for the promotion of multidisciplinary research on Africa. This includes politics, governance, African integration, security, energy economics, extractive industry issues, oil and gas, history and literature, gender and human rights, law, trafficking in persons, migration, transnational organised crime, African traditional medicine, development and Africa’s international relations.

   To establish Dundee as a centre for serious engagement on African issues by attracting experts on relevant and critical African questions of development in their multidimensionality.

  To serve as a network for engaging  African students studying in Dundee and environs to promote regional and specific national events relating to Africa regional organisations   as well as understanding the role of  African citizens in sub-regional economic development initiatives, African Union Agenda 2063 and the sustainable development goals for Africa. 
How DARN engages you
  Meetings usually take place monthly or from time to time as events determine

  Provides opportunities to network with researchers and experts in various fields.

Deliberative Sessions and Talks

We hold deliberative sessions and talks— these form a core part of DARN’s philosophy of brainstorming. These are participatory and attract very insightful views from discussants and attendees. Often, people meet others who have similar research interests and offer networking opportunities and advice. Some of our past events, which have been attended by African and non-African researchers from various disciplines, include discussions on:

‘Researching Africa In and Outside Africa:  Reflections on PhD Journeys in the UK’
Speakers: Ismail Soile, PhD. and Howard S. Chitengi, PhD. (University of Dundee)
“Africa and the International Criminal Court: Afrexit or Afremain?”
Speaker: (Dr. Patrick Tom, University of St Andrews).